Tour calendar
Hiking to Castle Ódor
10 km
From 2 persons
We will drive from Bükkzsérc to the forestry road, park in front of a barrier, start from here and arrive here.
Moderate difficulty, can be covered comfortably in about 4 hours
Crossing the Cseresznyés stream we start our hike on an unmarked path towards the Patkó rocks.
We climb moderately at first, then more steeply up to the Patkó rocks (Hódos Hill 530 m) from where we have one of the most beautiful views of Bükkzsérek, but we can also see all the way to Mezőköves.
After a short rest and a photo session, we continue our way under the Violet Roof (682m), when we reach the Root Road (Barát Roof, 514 m) we turn right and continue on the marked tourist road (Red). First we pass the Völgyfő-house, then we come to the Erzsébet-spring, where we can refresh ourselves with the fine spring water and refill our canteens.
Another ascent follows on the Cseresznyés-moor, (Red L), towards the saddle of Tábor hill (554m), then through a narrow bush we reach the cliffs of Ódor castle (530m).
Here you can find the Zsilibes spring, one of the coldest and cleanest springs in the Bükk, 200 metres away.
A visszaúton már csak lefelé fogunk haladni Török-rét felé, majd egy jelöletlen úton visszamegyünk a kiinduló pontra.
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Túravezetés 2 főtől kérhető: 1 500 Ft/fő
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